About Us

There are many unremarkable pieces of information which one needs to research while travelling. Some are well documented, others are not.

Sometimes you can get away with a cultural faux pas, other times there are financial consequences to your mistakes.

Sometimes there's no time pressure to access the information you need, other times you only realise you need the information about how to get off the bus as you're arriving at your stop.

Do I Need To Tap Off In aims to answer it's self titled question as simply as possible, as quickly as possible, saving travellers and new city arrivals time, stress and money.

To put the question this site aims to answer more clearly in user story form:

As a: Public transport user in a new city using an electronic payment method

I want to: Quickly determine if I need to tap off when leaving my current mode of public transport.

So that: I can avoid any unneccesary fines, fees, card blocks & confusion when using public transport.

In my personal experience of using public transport while travelling, the rules for tapping off have been consistently inconsistent, outrageously opaque, and counterintuitively complex.

This has cost me personally time, money and stress.

Hopefully this site will help a few people not have these problems.